First ever attempt at a poster...nothing impressive, or original, by any means. Just having a bit of fun playing around...and of course being ridiculously dazzled by the amazing RPattz and all his Edward-like glory ♥ September 13
Taking a short break from reading and writing and all the other time-consuming stuff us high school freshmen have to deal with...[Haha yes; random point - I'm 15]'s two manips for ya! Enjoy! =]'s been a while. Haha I've been so obsessed with writing these days that I hardly work on the visually dynamic stuff XD Well, here's two manips of Edward and Bells; one of their prom, and one of their wedding :)
I think this may have actually been the first manip I ever did in my life...I just rediscovered it while pawing through really old stuff on my computer :3